What is Document Management Software?

What is Document Management Software?Are you looking for an effective way to manage your paper files and documents but don’t quite know too much about document management software? Well then – you’ve surely come to the right place! Understanding document management software is actually not as complicated as it may seem. First and foremost, a document tracking software can literally make your life at the office easier on so many different levels. For starters, it looks much more professional since it enables you to create labels and bar codes to place on your files, rather than disorganized looking labels made with Sharpie markers! Document management software provides an online version of every file within your office as well as the notes which each user can log in the system, telling other users where they can find a file and also what has already been done on a file with initials of the user who changed it!

How to Transition to a Document Management Software

The easiest way to transition into your document management software is to first have an idea of the end result for each existing file as well as an idea of your ideal process structure for each new file created. In more seasoned organizations which have existed for longer periods of time, files can accumulate faster than you realize. It is very common for files that should be archived are mixed in with your current files. As you start to enter the information into the document management software for each file, create separate piles to ensure that you are only placing current files back on the shelves. Many businesses either designate a specific section of their file room for archived files or utilize an offsite storage facility to save room. Once you have your structure in place and have a clear definition of the results you’d like to see from your document management software, it will be easier for you to organize the files once they are entered and logged into the system.

What is Document Management Software?The Document Management Software Process

The document management software process is relatively simple and can be done in just a few shirt steps. Of course, when you are first implementing the document management software, you may want to designate a few hours, depending on the amount of files you have, to setting up your document management system in one shot. Working on this process at different times can leave you vulnerable to error and mismanaged files. It may be easier to do an initial sweep of your files, pulling the archives out first. This will make it easier to log into the document management software. Once the pertinent information is recorded into the system, you would then create and print the label for the physical folder, apply it and file accordingly.

Using the FILETACTICS Document Management Software

FILETACTICS has created an easy to use file tracking system to ensure that all of your document management software needs are met on a daily basis. With the File-Coder document management software, you have the ability to organize and maintain your paper files in the most accurate way possible, utilizing our print on demand service to create new files. Whether your office handles a small or large amount of paper files, you will be able to solely handle thousands of files accurately by generating reports and labels, as well as review pertinent notes on a file without ever having to pull the physical trail!


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